USCA Lifetime Achievement Award
The University Sales Center Alliance Lifetime Achievement Award is established to recognize individuals from USCA Member Schools who have had a major impact and long-term impact on the USCA, member schools and their students, the sales academia, and the sales profession.
Requisite Criteria
The Nominee Must:
- Be a current or past Director of a USCA member school,
- Have a minimum of 10 years of active participation in the USCA,
- Be nominated by a Director from a USCA member school, and
- Submit a letter of recommendation from a faculty member from the nominee’s school.
Selection Criteria
- USCA-Based
- # years of dedicated service to the USCA on various committees
- Past leadership roles/activities
- Number of different leadership roles held in the USCA
- Number of different Board roles held in the USCA
- Major USCA initiatives sponsored/developed
- Center-Based
- Growth of program under this leader (curricula, students, partners/sponsors)
- Student-Based
- Lifetime commitment to sales education
- Student achievements
- Academy-based
- # peer-reviewed journal articles in sales
- Quality of peer-reviewed journal articles in sales
- Sales books/chapters
- Participation/impact in academic associations involved in sales
- Editorial/editorial board related to sales research
- Sales Profession-Based
- Involvement in the selling profession external to university activities
The deadline for submission is June 1, 2025.
Nomination Process
The nominator must be a USCA member sales program director and is responsible for completing the award nomination package, which includes:
- Nomination form
- A letter from the nominator describing instances in which the nominee meets the selection criteria, and
- A letter of recommendation from a faculty member from the nominee’s school.
Selection Process
The selection will be made by past USCA Presidents and the standing USCA Executive Committee based upon careful review of the documents submitted. The recipient will receive a party given in their honor, a plaque and travel-related expenses for them and their spouse to attend the USCA Fall meeting where the recipient will be honored.
SEND QUESTIONS TO Thom Coats thom.coats@mtsu.edu
Nominate a Director for the USCA Lifetime Achievement Award
USCA Lifetime Achievement Award Winners

Jimmy Peltier
Career Highlights
If there was a Mt. Rushmore of Sales Education, he’s definitely on it. Peltier received his Ph.D. in Marketing at the University of Wisconsin-Madison. He has over 35 years of business experience as a consultant, Research Director in an Advertising Agency, and as President of a marketing consulting firm. Dr. Peltier’s sales expertise lies in developing buyer-seller relationships, understanding students’ intent to pursue a sales career, database requirements for the sales force, and successful relationship marketing practices. Dr. Peltier directed the launch of the University of Wisconsin-Whitewater Institute for Sales Excellence in 2012, and has led it to national prominence as an institution and as a sales competition powerhouse. Dr. Peltier is a Past-President of both the University Sales Center Alliance and the American Marketing Association Collegiate Chapters Council (twice).