USCA Class Size Exception Report

The USCA’s class size criteria for entry-level and advanced sales classes is as follows:

• A maximum of 30 students in entry-level sales classes; a maximum of 20 students in
advanced classes when the course syllabus includes role-playing.
(Exceptions may be granted for maximum class size if the applicant can demonstrate
significant/rigorous experiential components in the course content.)

While class size is an important criterion, the USCA also understands that there are reasons why
class size may be an issue for some member schools. To assist with compliance, an exception
policy has been developed for universities that exceed the class size criteria YET are able to
demonstrate significant role-playing or experiential activities in those classes. NOTE: Only
your entry-level sales course (max of 30 students) and advanced sales course (max of 20
students) have class size criteria.

If your entry-level (max of 30 students) AND/OR advanced-level (max of 20 students) sales
class exceeded the maximum class size criteria, complete this form and attach your course