About Associate Membership
All universities must first apply for Associate membership even if their University meets the criteria for full membership status. Associate membership is meant to serve as a mentoring period during which Full Members may assist a university as it works towards Full membership.
If you have questions or would like more information, please email us here and we will be happy to help.
Criteria For Associate Membership
To become an Associate Member, the candidate university must do the following:
- Teach a minimum of two sales classes, with two levels of sales training (e.g., a personal selling and advanced selling course) with one being a prerequisite course for the other.
- Have an active sales center advisory board. The advisory board may consist of the school’s alumni who are actively employed in the field of professional sales or the center’s corporate partners or any combination of alumni and corporate partners. This board can be part of a department or college board but must have a specific board dedicated to sales and meet at a minimum of one time per year.
- Be a recognized stand-alone entity of their college (i.e., a recognized center or institute).
- Must have an established standalone website.
- Have someone recognized as the “Director” of the center or institute, and the Director must control and manage the budget.
- The sales entity must be able to receive and manage funding (e.g., donations) specifically directed toward the sales program.
- The sales entity must have a budget that is controlled and managed by the sales entity director.
- The sales program must have a minimum of two sales faculty including one full time.
- A minimum of one Ph.D. / D.B.A. within the sales program.
- A dedicated role play facility with recording capability or a means to conduct and record role plays using technology.
- A maximum of 30 students in entry-level sales classes, maximum of 20 students in advanced classes when the course syllabus includes role playing (Exceptions can be granted for maximum class size if the applicant can demonstrate significant rigorous and / or experimental components to the course content) Class Size Exception Report
- Associate Members must provide a memo drafted by the Dean of the College indicating that there is an established, recognized sales program entity within the College (i.e., a recognized center or institute) and that the goal of the sales program is to move from an Associate Member to Full Member as outlined in the USCA criteria within 60 months. The memo would specifically indicate a timeline to achieve Full Membership.
- Associate members must progress to Full Membership by the end of fifth year (60 months) after becoming a USCA Associate Member.
a. USCA will offer all Associate Members a mentor. The goal of the mentorship will be to aid Associate Members in the development of the sales program to the level of Full Membership.
b. At the end of two years, Associate Members will have a virtual (not face-to-face) meeting with the USCA President to review progress toward Full Membership.
c. At the end of five years the goal of each Associate Member is to apply for Full Membership or withdraw from the alliance. For those programs that are unable to achieve Full Membership status, special circumstances will be reviewed by the USCA President and the Executive Board. Exceptions will be considered if the sales program is in good standing and has made considerable improvement towards Full Membership.
d. For those Associate Members that have been granted an exception from Full Member status at the end of five years, the USCA annual fee will be reassessed.
Associate Members:
• Do not have voting rights
• Pay annual membership fees equal to 50% of the Full membership fee (Associate Due are $500)
• Associate Membership is granted by a majority vote of the Full Members at a duly called meeting or through electronic voting.