Sales Competition Schedule

Please note that these competitions are hosted by USCA Members. Here is our stance on company-ran competitions here.

Competition Host Format Details Case Study/Speed Sell Product Registration Fees Reimbursements

Challenger Sales Institute | 
Oct. 8-9, 2024
Tri-State Challenge
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University of Central Oklahoma In-person Number of Universities Accepted: 9
Number of Students accepted for Role Play:
Is there a Case Study?: 
Yes (Teams of 3)
Does this offer a Speed Sell:

Great Northwoods Sales Warm-Up | 
Oct. 10-12, 2024 National Competition
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University of Wisconsin-Eau Claire In-person Number of Universities Accepted: 23

Number of Students accepted for Role Play:
Is there a Case Study?:

Does this offer a Speed Sell:
Hormel  $200 per student or alternate Travel Stipend, Hotel, Food and Entertainment expenses are included
WVU Sales Competition | 
Oct. 15, 2023
National Competition
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West Virginia University Virtual Number of Universities Accepted: –

Number of Students accepted for Role Play: 
3 (to qualify for team competition)
Is there a Case Study?:

Does this offer a Speed Sell: 
Fastenal  N/A
National Team Selling Competition | 
Oct. 16-18, 2024
National Competition
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Indiana University In-person Number of Universities Accepted: 24

Number of Students accepted for Role Play: 
4 (to qualify for team competition)
Is there a Case Study?:

Does this offer a Speed Sell: 
Altria, Nucor No entry fee Cover hotel and meal expenses once your team is in Bloomington

International Collegiate Sales Competition | 
Oct. 30-Nov. 2, 2024 International Competition
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Florida State University In-person Number of Universities Accepted: 80

Number of Students accepted for Role Play: 
Is there a Case Study?:
Yes (team of 2)

Does this offer a Speed Sell: 
Yes (2 per school)
Product Sponsor: DLL Financial Services Prospect Company: Tom James $175 per student Travel for up to 4 competitors and 1 coach, 3 nights in hotel, some food included, Disney tickets for competitors and 1 coach

RBI National Sales Challenge | 
Nov. 13-15, 2024 National Competition
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William Paterson University In-person Number of Universities Accepted: 40

Number of Students accepted for Role Play: 
Is there a Case Study?:

Does this offer a Speed Sell: 
Yes (2 per school)
ORS Nasco $200 per student N/A

Redbird National Sales Competition | 
Feb. 8-10 2024
National Competition
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Illinois State University Virtual Number of Universities Accepted: 35

Number of Students accepted for Role Play: 
Is there a Case Study?:

Does this offer a Speed Sell: 
Gartner $100 per student N/A

Selling with the Bulls | 
Feb. 20-21, 2025
National Competition
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University of South Florida In-person Number of Universities Accepted: 32

Number of Students accepted for Role Play: 
Is there a Case Study?:

Does this offer a Speed Sell: 
No- $500 award for attending
University of Toledo Invitational Sales Competition | 
Feb. 20-22, 2025
National Competition
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University of Toledo In-person Number of Universities Accepted: 36 full access; others are development invitations

Number of Students accepted for Role Play: 
Is there a Case Study?:

Does this offer a Speed Sell: 
International Paper Full Access: $150 per student

Development University: $125 per student
Travel & Hotel for 2 competitors + coach (only for full access),
all meals during event provided, includes onsite entertainment

Arizona Collegiate Sales Competition | Feb. 20-22, 2025
National Competition
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Arizona State University  In-person
Number of Universities Accepted: 15, 4 total studentsNumber of Students accepted for Role Play: 2
  Is there a Case Study?:Yes, teams of 2 students
Does this offer a Speed Sell: No
Canon Solutions America $250 Hotel included

National Collegiate Sales Competition | 
Mar. 3-6, 2024
National Competition
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Kennesaw State University In-person Number of Universities Accepted: 72

Number of Students accepted for Role Play: 
Is there a Case Study?:

Does this offer a Speed Sell: 
Yes (10 per school)
 Gartner $150 per student Travel & Hotel for 2 competitors & 1 coach, some meals provided

National Shores Sales Challenge | 
Apr. 4-6, 2024
National Competition
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Salisbury University In-person Number of Universities Accepted: 45

Number of Students accepted for Role Play: 
Is there a Case Study?:

Does this offer a Speed Sell: 
Yes (5 per school)
Perdue  $250 (total for school) First 35 universities get travel stipend. All get up to 3 rooms for 3 nights. All food and entertainment covered

Challenger Sales Institute | 
Mar. 26-27, 2025
Regional Challenge
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University of Central Oklahoma In-person Number of Universities Accepted: 9

Number of Students accepted for Role Play: 
Is there  a Case Study?: 
Yes (teams of 3)

Does this offer a Speed Sell: 
Western States Collegiate Sales Competition | 
March 9-10, 2024
Regional Competition
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Cal State U-Chico In-person Number of Universities Accepted: –

Number of Students accepted for Role Play: –

Is there a Case Study?: –

Does this offer a Speed Sell: –