USCA Outstanding Dean Award
USCA Outstanding Dean Award The University Sales Center Alliance Outstanding Dean Award is established to recognize a dean who has made significant contributions and demonstrated unwavering support of a USCA members’ sales program.

The nominee must:
•Currently serves as a Dean of the College in which the sales program resides.
• Actively promote and contribute to the sales program at his/her institution through a variety of activities, including but not limited to:
– Fostering support of the sales program with other academic programs
– supporting the creation of the program, additional classes and/or faculty positions for the sales program
– Being instrumental in securing additional resources, such as facilities, role play rooms, technology, travel funding, et al
-Actively engaging with current and prospective sales students, donors and corporate sponsors
-Participating in the sales program advisory board
-Attending sales program events and actively advocating for college/university-wide support of such events
– Supporting membership and participating in the USCA and related activities.
Nomination Process
The nominator must be a USCA member sales program director and is responsible for completing the award nomination package, which includes:
•Nomination form
• A letter from the nominator describing instances in which the dean contributed and supported the success of the sales program
• A letter of recommendation from a member of the Sales Center Advisory Board.
Selection Process
The selection will be made by the Marketing Communication Committee based upon careful review of the documents submitted. The recipient will receive a plaque and travel-related expenses (airfare and hotel for honoree) to attend the USCA fall meeting where the recipient will be honored.
The deadline for submission is June 1st, 2025
Previous Winners
Dr. Robert T. Burrus, Jr.,
UNC Wilmington

Kevin Gwinner
Kansas State University

Jared Llorens
Louisiana State University

Todd Shawver
Bloomsburg University

AJ Samant
Illinois State

Denise Smart
Texas State University

John Chenoweth
University of Wisconsin, Whitewater

Eli Jones
Texas A&M University